My profile

My name is Satiya Polpichai.My nick name is Faii. I was born on Friday 11 th February 2000. I'm serenteen yearsold. I hare 2 brother anh a sister My family lires in a small villago. I come frome quite a small family. There are 5 people in my family. There are my father, my mother, 2 brother and my self. Their names ar Mr. Chaiprasit Mrs,Potjana, Mr Auttawut and Jiranan.I live with parents. My Parents.are rubbertoppers Theyworkat. I'm studying at Changklangprachanukui School.Major in Social and language stabies. My hobbies are watching TV.playing games and listening to music. My favorite sport is Badmintcn. My favorite food is nodle and I like to drink green tea and coco. My farorite color is white and black. I don't like cat
I study English butido not like english I'm eary going. I can get along wlth any body.
My ambition is a police I want to halp parents and I want to be a busiuess owners. My metto is smike with all problems.



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